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Showing posts from August, 2018

How Do We Accomplish Things Together?

Our Essential Questions this year revolve around the idea of community. My favorite of the questions is How do we accomplish things together? As I ponder this today, my oldest son turns 19. In addition to feeling sentimental and somewhat old, I feel really proud of the way he builds community. Last night, we celebrated at our pool with the broad community that he has built. Throwing a party is work, and in the weeks leading up yesterday, I tried to cover my alarm when he would invite more and more people. It is his event, I reminded myself. He should have who he wants. Yesterday, I woke up and did all the party prep, kept my fingers crossed the weather would hold and went to the pool. Looking around at the people assembled and the fun that was being had, I realized that I was looking at some answers to the question How do we accomplish things together? Build a diverse group of people. My son is friends with everyone. At the party last night were people from all walks of life,...