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Showing posts from June, 2020

Who AM I?

Yesterday, I had a moment. To be more accurate, the "moment" had actually come the day before and lasted until sometime yesterday afternoon. I felt out of sorts and not myself. Typically, I go about my days in a good mood with a plan for action. Yesterday, I was morose, weepy and certain that the world was ending. "Who AM I?," I wondered. I NEVER feel this way. My sister called. That generally helps. She gave me permission to be grouchy. "There is a lot about the world the world that sucks right now," she assured me. After I hung up the phone, I reflected on what she said. She is right, of course. The world is a messy, unjust and terrifying place right now. It's hard to go to the store, hard to have conversations with neighbors about race, hard to fix a terribly broken system and hard to repair relationships that feel so very fractured. It occurred to me yesterday that what was really bothering me was a shift in the things that define me. I love being ...