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Showing posts from June, 2022

Positive Case 39529

 That's me. Now you know.  Five days in and I still don't feel great. Who are these people lucky enough to get COVID for 48 hours? Sitting on my sofa or on my patio for a bunch of days is not as blissful as I had imagined - especially since I've felt like crap for much of that time. Julie Andrews would encourage me to list my favorite things in a moment like this. I promise to do that, but only after I list some things that really chap my ass about having COVID. Jammies should have pockets. Yesterday was the first time I wore actual pants in several days. This decision was motivated by a desire to at least seem like a productive member of society as well as a desire to stop losing my Chapstick. Pockets are easy to make and all jammies should have them. Chris Pine is an unconvincing Robert the Bruce. Captain Kirk, sure. Scottish patriot, not so much. Trying to get kids at school to finish a project remotely is hard. It was one thing when we were all remote, but with just me ...