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Showing posts from October, 2019

Withstanding Ugliness

This week, some ugliness stopped by. As a positive person who strives to see the good in the world, I am always a little surprised when ugliness is directed at others. Perhaps this is naivete on my part. I say and do mean stuff - all people say and do mean stuff. Humans are, after all, flawed. A few things were difficult about this week's flavor of ugliness, which made it feel even uglier. First, my kids were hurt - both of them individually and on behalf of a person we love. And they both felt powerless to rectify. It also was unexpected. I had assumed that relations with this party were in a better place. There was an element of betrayal - or at least a sense of loyalties that, to me, seemed off. And there was a revelation that the party in question just really doesn't like me at all. Certainly, others have a right to express their opinions and feelings, but when does that right cross over into an attack? I am not certain that I have an answer - outside of "it depend...